
The art of Ninjutsu
Ninjutsu epitomizes the fullest concept of self-protection of not only the physical
body, but the mind and spirit as well. The way of the ninja is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that
would destroy one. More than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple out-witting
of an enemy; ninjutsu is the way of attaining that which we need while making the world a better place. The skill of the ninja
is the art of winning. In the beginning study of any combative martial art, proper motivation is crucial. Without the proper
frame of mind, continuous exposure to fighting techniques can lead to ruin instead of self-development.
If an expert in the fighting arts sincerely pursues the essence of ninjutsu, devoid
of the influence of the ego's desires, the student will progressively come to realize the ultimate secret for becoming invincible
- the attainment of the 'mind and eyes of the divine.' The combatant who would win must be in harmony with the scheme of totality,
and must be guided by an intuitive knowledge.
the higher order of ninjutsu, should be offered to the world as a guiding influence for all martial artists... ...Without
complete and total training in all aspects of the combative arts, today's martial artist cannot hope to progress any further
than mere proficiency in the limited set of muscular skills that make up his or her training system. Personal enlightenment
can only come about through total immersion in the martial tradition as a way of living.
Principle of a warrior : A warrior must never
deviate from his or her path of Bushido and he or she must endlessly seek knowledge to ever improve his or her path to enlightenment. Above
all, a warrior must know that knowledge can only be attained from the obvious truth, by observation, and wisdom. It cannot
be attained, gained, nor accepted from magic, superstitions, ghosts, spiritual messages, psychics, faith healers, conjurers,
or mysticism.
This is the important key to the principle of Bushido (500
BC), without this a warrior may fall into disillusion.
By opening his eyes and his mind, the ninja can responsively
follow the subtle seasons and reasons of heaven, changing just as change is necessary, adapting always, so that in the end
there is no such thing as surprise for the ninja. |

What makes a Ninja special ? What makes
a Ninja formidable is that they have to learn "Taijutsu" (hand to hand combat) which incorporates "Bugei Juhappan" (18
Samurai Arts) and "Ninjutsu Juhakkei" (18 Ninjutsu Arts). The "Bugei Juhappan" arts ranges from "Art of self defense"
to "Art of throwing blades". The "Ninjutsu Juhakkei" arts ranges from "Art of spiritual refinement" to "Art of special
disappearing". "Art of special disappearing" (Inton-jutsu) is the ability to trick the enemies senses.. !
needs not only to learn these arts but also to master them !!!
Mysterious Art of Ninjutsu : Ninjutsu is a Martial
Art based upon the use of strategy, fighting tactics of mountain warrior monks and the philosophy of Buddhism, all working
together in accordance with the laws of nature.
Ninja themselves had a number of secrets common to the Yamabushi.
These secrets mainly concerned the same areas: Para psychological knowledge, resistance to pain, etc., essentially exploited
by their concern for effiency. Written in the form of a code which was indecipherable to the unitiated, these secrets, which
in modern times have been committed to the computers of the Japanese spy service, have been revealed, only to be shrouded
once more in great secrecy.


Ninja History :
"Ninja" were professional spies
during the age of the samurai. Their origins go back to the twelfth century, when the samurai class began to
gain power. When the scale of fighting increased in the fourteenth century, it became necessary to conduct espionage activities
against enemy forces, and ninja became even more active.
Ninja were called upon by their feudal lords to gather information,
plunder the enemy's food and weapon supplies, and lead the way in nighttime attacks. They received specialized training and
were given special duties. Ninja remained active until the beginning of the Edo period (1600-1868), when social order
was restored by the government in Edo (now Tokyo).
It was from the latter half of the eighteenth century that ninja became popular subjects
of books and dramas. In the twentieth century ninja have been depicted in films using special effects and comics as
imaginary characters with superhuman powers.
Myths & Mysticism :

Many movies that portray the Historical Ninja as a member of a mystical magical warrior
family. The ninja in the movies cast magic spells, project their images, become invisible, fly through the air or even run
across water. These inaccuracies are not particularly damaging to the legendary
image of the ninja. They even add to the mystery and popularity of ninjutsu. The ninja seems to overlook
all concepts of right and wrong and and all morality in order to achieve his self serving goals.
None of these concepts are even close to describing the real ninja. More
than eight hundred years of history stretch back to the founder of the system of ninjutu, Daisuke Nishina of Togakure Village.
After defeat at the hands of Heike troops, Daisuke escaped from his place of birth in Nagano and moved to the remote region
of Iga. He changed his name to Daisuke Togakure and later was credited with founding the Togakure ryu of ninjutsu.
The ninja developed as a highly illegal counterculture to the ruling class
of samurai elite. It is for this reason alone that the true origins of the art were shrouded in deliberate mystery and confusion.
Tactics :
The Ninja are revered for their seemingly mystical ability
to enter any structure no matter how well guarded, without being seen or heard. Although this skill is a reality, it cannot
happen without a great deal of pre-preparation. One does not simply decide to infiltrate on a whim. It requires an in-depth
plan based on the extensive information gathering of the Teisatsunin (reconnaissance Ninja). A well planned infiltration operation
would only be attempted when the enemy would offer the least resistance. The Shikomunin (infiltrating Ninja) must learn
that patience is the key. Even on a well planned assignment the Ninja knows they may have to wait concealed for long periods
of time before to opportunity to infiltrate presents itself. When the concept of infiltration is brought up, the first thing
that comes to mind is a black-clad Ninja stealthily moving past an unsuspecting sentry and entering a structure using only
the shadows for concealment. This is a totally simplistic view of a very complex craft. Although stealth is the basis for
the Shikomunin's arsenal of skills, there are a multitude of specialized tactics that cannot be overlooked.
Once the Ninja has successfully entered , they move on to complete whatever
task they were sent to perform. Eavesdropping, assassination, poisoning food and water stores, planting false information,
stealing or any other such task.
Shinobigatana-jutsu (art of the Ninja sword) :
The "Shinobigatana" is designed to allow for quick maneuvers. its short
blade makes it an excellent single handed weapon, but because of its extended hilt it is equally effective when wielded with
both hands. All of the Shinobigatana’s unique uses make it the preferred weapon of the warrior. It should be known that
the Samurai’s Katana is viewed as being an aggressive weapon, whereas the Ninja’s shorter sword is considered
to be more defensive. It is said that the sword can be maneuvered three or four times faster than other weapons, so speed
is an important factor in its application.
The Ninja sword is designed for speed and concealment. its blade length ranges
from between 16 and 24 inches and is usually straight. The straight blade design is known as “Muzori” and this
design is also used in the construction of the elusive Shinobi zue (Ninja sword cane) and Nagimaki (halberd). However, it
is a common myth that Ninja of old were limited to the use of the straight bladed sword. This is inaccurate. Historical evidence
dictates that the Ninja also wielded the curved blades (katana and wakizashi) that are most often associated with the Samurai
class. |
The ninja were very competent hand-to-hand fighters. They were trained from birth to fight with
their hands and feet. They knew where and how to hit to paralyse or even kill when needed. One reason that their
style of fighting (Tai-jutsu) was so effective, was that they not only studied punching and kicking, but they studied the
human body as well. Learning all about the weaknesses and strengths. For example, punching a man in the face can be painful,
but it might just piss him off, whereas a punch to the throat will be much more devastating.
Grappling was a
strong part of the ninjas fighting technique. Along with bone-crunching kicks and punches, the ninja were equally as strong
fighting from the ground. When on the ground grappling, it is not likely that a punch or kick could be used effectively, so
techniques such as arm bars and joint locks were used. The grappling was very similar to todays judo or jui-jitsu.
ninja studies the art of Taijutsu or "body movement". Taijutsu doesn't teach rigid and fixed methods like almost every other
martial art does. Instead, it stresses fluidity, natural movement and spontaneity. Also, the ninja learned to exploit the
joints and pressure points of an enemy. When a punch or kick was thrown, a ninja wouldn't simply block the attack, he would
strike a pressure point or nerve center to cause the limb to lose its function. Not only did the ninja learn to disable a
person, he also learned to quickly and effectively kill. It is true that a ninja could kill with one blow by exploiting the
weaknesses of the body. Another important aspect of Taijutsu was learning to reverse any situation or attack. They were trained
from childhood to be extremely flexible and could therefore escape any hold or lock they might be put in. They even played
games as children where they were tied up and the object of the game was to get yourself untied as quickly as possible; within
a few years, a ninja learned to get out of any type of binding.
"Taijitsu is really a tool used to aid one in
moving closer to enlightenment.To not even engage the potential adversary is high level practice (to escape without fighting
is a clean mission). To lead a life so impeccable that adversaries don't even appear is the highest." - Unknown
overcome one's self is a greater victory than defeating every opponent that you encounter. When you overcome yourself, you
will rise above all opposition into a place of oneness with all things, wherein lies true power"
"The usefulness
of the art is in it's activity. When empty, the art symbolizes the adaption of an individual to any circumstance while maintaining
their center and flowing with whatever may be happening. When full, the art symbolizes the knowledge and wisdom that an individual
has applied in their life's journey."
"Warriorship begins in transformation and ends in transcendence."
NIN-PO : Ninjutsu is best described as the collection
of skills utilized by the Ninja while Ninpo, often referred to as "the higher order of Ninjutsu, " implies a philosophy for
living based on the principles of Nin.
Nin translates into patience, but can also imply perseverance, or stealth.
The Japanese character for Nin consists of two parts or radicals. The upper radical is called yaiba which refers to the cutting
edge of a blade. The lower radical can be read either as kokoro or shin, both of which mean heart.
The character
po, which implies natural law, is used rather than do (i.e.. judo, kendo, aikido,etc). Referring to our art as Ninpo rather
than Ninjutsu stresses training which is concerned with the internal development of the individual's character along with
the technical skills of martial training. It isn't enough just to know techniques, it is where your heart and spirit are as
a person that is important. For this reason, Ninpo stresses philosophic and spiritual training in conjunction with the physical
training. This refinement of one's spirit is known in Japanese as seishinteki kyoyo.
Ninpo is concerned with
the defense of the whole self, and recognizes that defense against a life-threat is dealt with by the spirit as much as with
physical technique.
The Mysterious Art of Ninjutsu :
Ninjutsu is a Martial
Art based upon the use of strategy, fighting tactics of mountian warrior monks and the philosophy of Buddhism, all working
together in accordance with the laws of nature.
The ninja were known throughout the centuries as dangerous men, like
an early form of spy. Their Art came from the idea that as they would never turn their back on any action for selfish reasons,
they were able to withstand extremely difficult training and were themselves capable of great sacrifice.
The origin
of the Ninja is uncertain. It seems to go back as far as ancient China which had already developed the science of spying.
One of the greatest Chinese strategists in the field, named Sun Tzu, wrote a book of the same name: Sun-Tzu, a book about
war strategy and a sort of spy manual which seems to foreshadow the science of the Ninja.
In Japan itself, it was not
until about 600 A.D. and especially at the end of the Heian period (1185) that the art of the Ninja or ninjutsu evolved. At
that time three Yamabushi came to power in Kyoto. Yamabushi means 'mountain warrior'. In Japan there were tens of thousands
of Yamabushi who, faithful to Shinto tradition, venerated the mountain and devouted at least 100 days a year to it in prayer
and asceticism. The Yamabushi masters developed parapsychological knowledge and techniques of resisting pain, the cold, fire,
The Ninja are not Yamabushi, however they too were men of the mountain, not because they venerated it but because
most of them came from the steep remote mountains of the Iga and Koga regions. Cut off like wolves in these areas, they could
more easily resist the different governments which, from time to time, tried to destroy them. In the home of a famous Ninja
from Iga, the bones of 80 corpses have been found, thrown into an oubliette by a trap door just inside the main entrance.
is probable that the Ninja themselves had a number of secrets common to the Yamabushi. These secrets mainly concerned the
same areas: parapsychological knowledge, resistance to pain, etc., essentially exploited by their concern for effiency. Written
in the form of a code which was indecipherable to the unitiated, these secrets, which in modern times have been commited to
the computers of the Japanese spy service, have been revealed, only to be shrouded once more in great secrecy.
In this
strange world in fact, the use of parapsychological techniques is the order of the day more than ever before. The Japanese
notion of michi (or do) expressing the force of energy or intrinsic power which exists in all things, is still relevant. To
capture this force, whatever its nature, offers the possibility of developing different powers, of using a great variety of
hypnotic 'tricks', especially as the boundary between real power and trickery was more often than not very imprecise as far
as the Ninja, accomplished masters of deception, were concerned.
A Ninja was neither an exceptional nor an ordinary
man, rather a different sort of man, in so far as his long and very arduous training began at an early age, in childhood.
He thus learnt to disjoint the bones in his body in order to squeeze thhrough narrow railings, to climb trees like a cat,
to resist cold, to hide under water by breathing through a reed, to make himself invisible or disappear behind a smoke screen
and to walk noiselessly on water. In a word, all his actions were aimed at finding the point of least resistance at all levels
and at using it to conquer and destroy his enemies.
A Ninja's training consisted of not The Ninja's weapons are numerous:
the most well known being the shuriken, small iron devices of many different shapes such as crosses, six or eight sided stars,
triangles, pointed instruments, etc. Exceedingly sharp and with poisoned points, these weapons could silently strike an enemy
from a distance. The shuko or sort or iron gauntlet studded with sharp points on the palm of the hand, enabled the Ninja to
attack sentries, to climb trees or walls. Armed with these gauntlets and hooked sandels, the Ninja could scale walls and penetrate
the most heavily defended places.
The Ninja's favourite weapon was the Kyotetsu-Koge, a sort of dagger with two blades,
one curved. It was joined to a metal ring with a rope which could be wrapped around an enemy's arm or leg, and bring him down.
tell on Ninja's disappearing in a cloud of smoke. One of their tricks in fact consisted of letting off a smoke bomb at an
opportune moment and so disappearing from the enemy's sight. They also knew how to walk very fast sideways, so that they could
skirt walls in the shade with their back to them in readiness for any attack.
The Ninja played an importent role in
destroying the Daimyo who opposed the Tokugawa. Each side had its Ninja and it is probable that the Ninja could generally
change camp and master according to the fortunes of the battle. Whatever happened, they were bound to absolute secrecy and
would not talk no matter how much pain they were dealt. Once captured, Ninja's sometimes managed to disfigure themselves to
become unrecognizable, before commiting suicide.
The Ninja were divided into three groups: the Jonin, he who makes
contact and offers his services, his assistant or chunin and the genin, the actual agent who carries out the missions. The
last was considered to be the lowest class of Japanese society. Once captured, he was usually tortured and dismembered.
general consensus of the Ninja in comparison to the Samurai was the the Ninja had no honour, but in fact their honour was
equal to that of the rival Samurai. The Ninja believe ego, pride and honour can mean the difference between life and death,
failure and success. If ego , pride or honour had to be sacrificed to achieve a desired goal then it was done without question.
most significant code which has been the key to the Ninja's survival and success is Ninmujoku (Ninja has no shame). The ancient
Samurai traditions despised the Ninja for this very motto, because they were bound by chains of honouristic virtues. Ninmujoku
is of no use without the right frame of mind and intention. One cannot use this theory for one's own benefit, because it is
not concerced with the ideals of self gain but rather the benevolence of the organisation. Seishin - the right consciousness,
kept the Ninja on the right path, ensuring they would not become thieves, murderers or enemies of the people. Without Seishin
the Ninja would not be able to justify their actions and would be classified as nothing but cold blooded murderers.
Ninja's training not only consisted of learning the art of Ninjutsu but also learning the fighting styles of the Samurai.
The basis of Ninjutsu can be divided into four catergoies:
1. Fighting System
Taijutsu which incorporates: Bugei Juhappan (18 Samurai Arts) and Ninjutsu Juhakkei (18 Ninjutsu Arts). Bugei
Juhappan Nijutsu Juhakkei
Jiu-jutsu - Art of self defence Ken-jutsu - Art of the wooden sword (Boken) Iai-jutsu
- Art of drawing Kusarifundo-jutsu - Weighted chain technique Kusarigama-jutsu - Sickle and chain technique Bo-jutsu
- Art of full lenght staff So-jutsu - Spearmanship Naginata-jutsu - Art of the halberd Suiren-jutsu
- Art of swimming Ba-jutsu - Horsemanship Kisha-jutsu - Art of archery on horseback Jo-jutsu -
Art of the three foot staff Kyu-jutsu - Archery Yoroi kumiuchi-jutsu - Art of armour combat Jutte-jutsu
- Art of the jutte (Iron rode) including Tessen-jutsu (Iron fan technique) Hobaku-jutsu - Art of rope binding Ho-jutsu
- Art of firearms (rifle/gun/cannon technique) Shuriken-jutsu - Art of throwing blades Seishin shugyo -
Art of spiritual refinement Tai-jutsu - Art of unarmed combat Hiken-jutsu - Secret art of the sword (Tanto,
Kodachi, Odachi, Ninjato, Choken & Nito) So-jutsu - Spearmanship Naginata-jutsu - Art of halberd Nagamaki-jutsu
- Art of battlefield halberd Kusarigama-jutsu (Kyoketsu shoge) - Sickle and chain technique Rokushakubo-jutsu
- Art of the six foot staff Sanjakubo-jutsu, Jo-jutsu & Hanbo - Art of the half and three quarter staff Shuriken-jutsu
- Art of throwing blades Kisha-jutsu - Archery of horseback Inton-jutsu - Art of special disappearing Hoko-jutsu
- Art of stalking Henso-jutsu - Art of disguise Kakushibuki - Art of secret weapon Gunryaku Heiho
- Strategies Tenmon & Chimon - Strategy of Heaven and Earth Ninyaku - Special medicine and drug technique
Samurai had to know and perfect the Bugei Juhappan. The Ninja criteria was more severe, they had to be a skilled practioner
of Ninjutsu Juhakkei and Bugei Juhappan known as Ninjutsu Sanjurokkei (36 arts and techniques). The knowledge of these arts
and techniques only emphasized the Ninja's formidability.
2. Organisation Skills associated with networking
and information gathering. 3. Strategy Encompassing espionage / assassination / spying 4. Shugendo/Mikkyo
of supernatural powers and wisdom. The development of intuition (Jintsuriki).
Skills :
Since the Ninja had to survive in nature, they became trained naturalists capable of distinguishing edible,
medicinal and poisonous plants, trapping, preparing and cooking animals, building shelter, finding water, and making fire.
few methods of finding water were by studying the insects in an area. For example, if there was a high concentration of ants
or crickets, he knew there was water nearby. Another way of finding water was by recognizing the kinds of plants that live
near water. If the Ninja found any of those plants, he knew water was near.
Kuji-in : Kuji-in is a type of ninja training
with its roots in Daoism. It is more of an energy kind of thing. "The term [Shuji Shuriken] also refers to
Esoteric practices, such as "cutting the nine ideographs" (namely, reciting nine majic words) for protection. Originally Taoist,
the practice of "cutting the nine ideographs" was taken up by yin-yang practioners, Esoteric Buddhists, Japanese swordsmen,
and ninja. Some swordsmen and ninja executed it at daybreak every day, and many did so before an actual combat or mission.'
Hiroaki Sato, trans., The Sword & The Mind, 81."
Kuji-in may be used in two different ways: alone or combined. Ways
of using the Kuji :
Well, the first way is to use them individually when you need them. For example:
You are out in
the wilderness chopping wood. You are a skinny person with no muscle mass, and the wood is too heavy to carry. You make the
Kuji for Physical strength with your hands, and summon Chi to the sign, while focusing on the element of the Kuji. You easily
carry the wood back to your cabin.
The next way is to meditate every day, and go through each hand sign while
focusing on each purpose. At the end of this practice you make a specialized hand sign (make it up) while focusing on shutting
in all the energy from each element into you.
Now, when you get into a fight....right before it, use the Kuji
you made up to bring out all the energy you stored. This will help you greatly in a fight.
"Kuji -in" : Is the spiritual and mental strength the ninja possessed in the form of hand
signs. These hand signs were believed to be able to channel energy. The hand signs were taken from the practices of the early
The Kuji-in was used to build confidence and strength in the ninja. It was also believed to enhance
the senses of danger and foresee death for the ninja.
In Kuji-in the thumb represents the source of power (Ku),
and the fingers represent the four elemental manifestations. They are Chi (earth - solids), Sui (water - liquids), Ka (fire
- combustion) and Fu (wind - gases).
There are 81 hand symbols, total, but there are 9 primary ones: Rin, Hei,
Toh, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, and Zen. Each symbol invokes different strengths and abilities in a trained ninja. Rin brings
strength to the mind and body; Hei generates psychic power in order to mask one's presence; Toh enables the ninja to reach
a balance between the solid and liquid states of the body, which leads to a greater harmony with the universe; Sha is used
to heal oneself or another; Kai gives complete control over the body's functions, enabling one to slow the heart rate, endure
extreme heat and cold, etc. Jin increases the mind's telepathic powers, giving a highly trained Ninja the ability to read
the character of another; Retsu gives telekinetic powers, enabling a ninja to stun an opponent with a shout or touch. Zai
extends the harmony gained by merging with the universe. Zen brings enlightenment and understanding. These symbols take an
entire lifetime to truly master.
Kuji Kiri : Kuji
Kiri (energy channeling, hypnotic) Ninjitsu is a hybrid system of ninjitsu that also employs techniques and theory from Jiu-Jitsu
and Kenpo. The stealthy ways of the ninja (including sections on invisibility, smoke bombs, & vanishing) come to life
in this system.
This system includes seven belt levels of training to the first level of Black Belt. These seven
levels are demonstrated on a 5 tape serious. This system includes seven belt levels of training to the first level of Black
Belt. These seven levels are demonstrated on a 5 tape serious.
The system includes body movement of a Ninja.
A section on blinding powders, weapons, and more. Kuji Kiri has influence from Jiu-Jitsu and Kenpo as well. The course os
instructed by Soke Joshua Carr who has studied the ways of the Ninja for several years. Soke Carr holds Black Belts in Kenpo
and Jiu-Jitsu, as well as his rank in Ninjitsu. Soke Carr has devised the Kuji Kiri Ninjitsu system to help martial artist
realize they should not limit themselves to one style, rather to study many styles so they may be true warriors, should the
need arise.
NINPO : "NINPO is a hybrid system
of ninjitsu that also employs techniques and theory from Jiu-Jitsu and Kenpo. The stealthy ways of the ninja (including sections
on invisibility, smoke bombs, & vanishing) come to life in this system.
Ninpo is more commonly known as ninjutsu,
or the warrior arts of the ninja but the term Ninpo is used as it has a deeper significance. The black clad assassin disappearing
in a cloud of smoke, which usually springs to mind when talking of Ninja has nothing to do with the reality of learning true
Ninpo Bugei. Ninpo is a traditional, non-competitive Japanese Martial Art whose history stretches back over many centuries.
It contains Striking skills, joint locks, throws, grappling, and several different weapons.
Genshirin Ninpo
encompasses many different schools, each of which has a unique feeling and emphasis. The three pillars of the art are called
Taijutsu (Unarmed techniques), Bo-jutsu (wooden staff techniques), and Biken-jutsu (Sword techniques), but there are many
other disciplines which make up the complete Art. As a novice you will start by learning Taijutsu which is the backbone of
Ninpo. The emphasis is placed on defending yourself from an attack such as a punch, kick or grab. The techniques are taught
in a Japanese fashion as they have been for hundreds of years.
Why learn Ninpo?
Ninpo is not an easy Martial
Art to learn. It takes about 4 years to get to Black Belt level under proper tuition. The training can be physically and sometimes
mentally demanding, however, it is not an elitist pursuit. It is well within the capability of any well balanced, motivated
individual to become skillful. The Japanese character "nin" in Ninpo means patience and perseverance which is the essence
of success with this martial art. There is a great deal of satisfaction to be had from studying Ninpo along with the practical
benefits of learning effective self-defense are the tangible benefits, including, agility, alertness and physical fitness.
It can also be a lot of fun.
Ninja Techniques :
POISON : The ninja were very knowledgeable about poisons. Poisoning a victim was as effective
as stabbing them, but with very little mess or chance of failure. Once the poison was ingested by the victim it was already
to late. The poisons were mostly organic based, but some were taken from animals.
One method was to take the
fungi poison out of the blowfish or puffer fish. This poison is very strong and can kill in small doses. Another animal based
poison was the bufo marinus. The bufo marinus is a large toad with an extremely toxic poison behind its eyes. This poison
was often used on darts, arrows and spear tips.
Spiders and scorpions were also used. Not always just the poison
extracted from them, but sometimes it was just as easy to slip a couple of scorpions in the bed of the victim.
of the organic poisons used was made from common fruit. Cyanide was extracted from a variety of sources, such as apple seeds,
plum seeds, cherries seeds and many more. It was readily available to the ninja and was used often.
Tomato and
rhubarb leaves also held a poison. Eating the leaves cause cardiac problems, ultimately resulting in cardiac arrest.
amanita phalloides is a deadly mushroom. The poison in the mushroom was 10 times more powerful than that of cyanide. Eating
the mushroom was certain death, and it was easy to slip a piece of the mushroom in almost any meal.
The poison
could be used in various ways, depending on the situation. For example, if the ninja could slip it into the victims food while
its being prepared. Without knowing what kind of danger he was in, the victim would eat the food infested with the poison.
Not all the poisons used by the ninja were fatal, some of them were used to merely paralyze or cause blindness. It was not
always necessary to kill.
Another thing the ninja did was dip their weapons, such as the shuriken or their sword,
in the poison. This was so when it punctured the skin of their target, the fast acting poison would take its course, causing
much more devastating than the blade itself.
CLOTHING : When in full uniform, the ninja's flesh was all hidden, all except a small slit
around the eyes and his hands. The tabi boots had a slit in between the big toe and the second toes. This was to make it easier
for climbing and scaling walls The shinobi shozoko had many pockets all through it, inside and out. This was for storing
all the small tools and weapons he needed, such as poison, shuriken, knives and so on. The ninja also carried a small, primitive,
first aid kit, filled with potions and solutions
Not all jobs required that the ninja wear the shinobi shozoko. Sometimes
the ninja dressed up as priests, peasants or even samurai, depending on the job.
Ninja Weapons :
Ninja were experts in a variety of weapons. Weapons such as small and large swords, bow and arrows, knives,
bo (staff), scythe and chain, shuriken and many others. When empty handed the ninja are very dangerous, but armed, they are
very deadly. Below is a list of the weapons used. If you have any information on any weapons I might have missed, please let
me know.
Sword :  The ninja sword (ninja-to) was different than that of the samurai. The long sword that the samurai carried
was made of high-carbon steel, and took months to have made. They were hand made specially for each samurai, taking great
care to make a very high quality sword. It was so sharp that it could easily cut a man in two, even through their armor. The
length of the samurai swords averaged around 26 1/2 to 37 inches.
The ninja sword was considerably shorter, only
24 inches, and the quality of the swords was much poorer. The reason for the poorer quality was the way they used the sword
as opposed to the way the samurai used theirs. Samurai would swing their sword, severing limbs and slashing at the opponent.
Ninja, on the other hand, used the sword more in a stabbing motion. To use the blade of the ninja sword effectively you would
have to use a sawing motion when the blade came in contact with the opponents flesh.
Another reason for the
poor quality of the swors is that since ninja were mostly mountain people and outlaws, they could not afford to hire expert
swordsmiths like the samurai could. Also their own swordsmiths did not have access to the right resources to be able to make
curved edge swords with well constructed blades. If a Ninja could overcome a samurai he would take his swords, simply because
they are better.
Although the ninja sword was smaller and poorer quality, it still had its advantages. The scabbard
for instance was made longer than the sword, about 3 to 4 inches longer. At the end of the scabbard there was a hidden compartment
that was used to hide small weapons such as spikes, daggers or small amounts of poisons. Another use the sword had was that
it could act as a small step by jamming the blade into the ground, the ninja could use the hand-guard as a step to get that
extra height needed to scale a wall. Because the blade was not very sharp, the ninja could also use it as a hammer by holding
onto the blade (carefully) and hitting with the handle. Also it was common to have the tip of the scabbard come off so it
could be used as a snorkel.
Bo (Staff) & Jo (Short Staff) : The staff was one of the most important weapons
in the ninja's arsenal. It was generally around 6 feet in length, made of hard wood or bamboo and was hollow. The reason for
the hollow was another trick of the ninja trade. By flicking the bow with great speed, the ninja could launch a poison tipped
dart or small knife out of the open end of the staff, often catching the opponent off guard.
Another trick they
had for the bo was to conceal a chain inside it. Then, when engaged in battle, it could quickly be released and used as a
weapon. This was called a shinobi zue, and was easily disguised as a walking stick or staff.
Kusarigama : The Kusarigama is a combination of a sickle (short scythe) and a
long chain with a weight attached to the end of it. The sickle was used in a slashing or stabbing motion, as well as used
to block and hook opponents weapons. By holding the chain portion of the weapon, the sickle could be swung around to get a
greater reach with it.
The chain portion of the weapon was most often used for trapping an enemy or his weapon.
Once tangled up with the chain, the ninja could finish him off with the sickle. This was a weapon the ninja invented out of
farming tools they used.
Shuriken (Throwing Star) & Poison Tipped Darts :
The Shuriken is the trade mark ninja weapon made famous by the movies and stories about the ninja. The
Shuriken was simply a flat piece of metal with sharpened points that were thrown at the enemy. The Shuriken was not
originally designed as a killing weapon. It was mostly used to distract or deter so the ninja could escape. While in the midst
of a get-away, the Shuriken could be thrown at the samurai chasing the ninja, possibly making the samurai think twice about
continuing the chase. Although the Shuriken was not intended to kill, it was easily made lethal by dipping the edges
in poison. This was effective, but sometimes it backfired when the ninja would accidentally cut himself while digging around
for it, thus poisoning himself.
Shuriken were also designed to hit the opponent then bounce away out of sight.
This way a ninja could fool an unsuspecting guard or sentry into believing he had been cut by an invisible swordsmen. (One
of many mental tricks)
The ninja would use the poison darts different depending on the situation. It was not
un-common for the ninja to carry poison darts in his mouth so they could be blown into the enemy's face at close range. If
they needed to kill someone quietly, a dart could easily enter the body and be withdrawn without leaving a mark. From a distance
the dart could be shot with a blowgun.
Ninja women would hide the poisonous darts in their hair. When the victim
was preoccupied with something else, the ninja would stick them with the dart.
Tetsu-bishi (Calthrops) : Calthrops are small metal weapons shaped to that one
point is always up. They, like the shuriken, were a weapon used for distraction while fleeing. The ninja would scatter the
calthrops behind them and anyone unlucky enough to step on them would not likely continue with the pursuit. They could also
be thrown, and dipped in poison like the shuriken.
Shuko (Tiger Claws): Shuko were
a pair of metal "claws" attached to the palm of the ninja's hand with a strap. There were usually four sharp spikes on the
bottom. These were used in close combat acting like an animals claws. When used the ninja could rip open their enemy with
a couple of swipes.
The Shuko also acted as a tool that aided the ninja in climbing, much like the claws of a
cat. This made scaling walls easier. Finally, the shuko could be used to block or break sword attacks. This is done by catching
the sword between the claws and twisting. Probably not a good idea against a Katana or Wakizashi. But would work with weaker
Another variation of the Shuko was the Nekade. The Nekade were individual claws that were tied to each
Manriki Gusari (Chain) : The Manriki Gusari was a chain usually about 3
feet long, and weighted at both ends. It was developed as a self-defence weapon but was also a wicked offensive weapon in
the hands of a ninja. It was small and easily concealed in the palm of the ninja's hand, or in a sash.
holding one end of the chain, it could be swung around and used as a whip. The weighted end could cause a great deal of damage.
Fukiya : The fukiya, or blowgun, was a staple in the Ninja's arsenal since it was so versatile. The
fukiya was used to shoot darts (sometimes poisoned) at an enemy from a distance and, since it made almost no noise, the Ninja's
hiding place wasn't threatened by using this weapon. Aside from launching darts, the blowgun could be used as a snorkel while
the Ninja was underwater. Since the fukiya was made of bamboo, it blended in with the reeds in the water, therefore enabling
the Ninja to stay submerged for hours, if necessary. Metsubishi could also be delivered through the fukiya by shooting small
paper containers filled with pepper and metal shavings at an enemy's face.
Nunchakus :
 Though not a primary weapon of the Ninja, nunchakus (nunchucks) were also used since they could be adapted
for many situations. Aside from being easy to carry, the nunchakus were used to defend against most any weapon from a bo to
a sword. By trapping the blade of a sword with the chain between the two sticks, a Ninja could entangle and disarm a sword-weilding
attacker. The same concept applies to almost every other weapon. The nunchakus were not just used for defense, they could
also be effectively employed against an enemy in an offensive way. The Ninja could strangle an opponent or even execute joint
locks with the chain or cord between the two sticks
Tanto : The tanto, or knife,
was an important weapon in the Ninja's arsenal. Like the ninja-to, the tanto was not made of the high quality steel that the
Samurai's sword was but the Ninja made up for this by using the tanto as a multi-purpose tool. The tanto was used to pry open
door, dig holes or small ditches, or it could be thrown like a shuriken. Of course, the tanto was also used to cut and stab
an opponent.
TOOLS : Metsubishi : Metsubishi, or "eye closer", were used to temporarily,
or sometimes permanently, blind the enemy. Hollowed out egg shells, paper bags and short bamboo tubes were filled with a combination
of sand, metal filings and pepper and were used to attack the eyes of an enemy. Egg shells and paper bags were used by throwing
the fragile containers at the opponent's face, causing it to break on impact and scatter the contents across the face and
into the eyes. Bamboo tubes were sealed with paper or wax and, when the seal was broken, the tube was flung in the direction
of the opponent, sending the contents into the face, blinding him.
Usually, metsubisi were used to make an escape
when surrounded or cornered or if the Ninja felt there were too many opponents to fight at once. For example, if a Ninja were
faced with 5 or 6 opponents, he might use metsubishi to blind 2 or 3 of them while he dispensed of the others.
: The The kaginawa, or grappling hook, was a climbing device consisting of a pronged hook with 12 to 15 feet of rope attached.
The kaginawa was used to scale walls or to swing across large gaps, however, it could also be used as a weapon. By holding
the rope and swinging the hook over the head, the Ninja could strike his opponent with the sharp prongs of the hook or the
rope could be used to entangle the enemy and enable the Ninja to strike with another weapon.
Shuko and Ashiko
: These were steel or iron bands that were tied over the hands and feet and used as climbing aids. With the use of shuko
and ashiko, a Ninja could scale a wall or climb a tree in a matter of seconds. In fact, many Samurai were reported as saying
the Ninja could "climb like a bear."
Metal grips : Since the Ninja had to be prepared to run over any and
all terrain, they often carried metal strips with a spiked edge on one site. These strips were tied to the bottom of the Ninja's
tabi to gain a better grip over uneven or slippery terrain. These would be the equivalent of the spiked shoes that many athletes
wear today.
Smoke Bomb : This circler bomb of smoke was made famous by the ninja movies in the 80's. For a
quick get away this bomb could be filled with gun powder to make an explosion and smoke -
"Egg" : "Eggs" are hollowed
out through little holes, and then the empty containers are used to store the various ninja powders. They shatter on impact,
releasing the powder in a cloud to affect the target.
Skills to develop :
Art of STEALTH WALKING : Maintain balance control by allowing
your body weight to sink and be carried by deeply flexed knees. Remember to breathe along with your movement. Unconsciously
holding your breath can unknowingly produce unneeded muscle tension, and could result in gasping release of breathe if you
are startled or accidentally unbalanced.
Stay alert to the entire scene. Do not become so engrossed in watching your
feet that you do not notice other people an elements entering the surroundings.
Use all joints for movement, emphasizing
fluidity through the engagement of the ankles, knees, and hips for stepping. Avoid the lazy and dangerous habit of stiffening
knees and swinging the entire leg from the hip.
Maintain your weight and balance on your grounded leg while you move
the other leg into position to bear the weight. When absolute silence is a must, avoid distributing your weight over both
legs at the same time.
If practical, allow your hands to float lightly in front of and beside your torso, one arm higher
and one arm lower, to detect possible obstructions before your committed body weight encounters them.
Pause and hold
your position if you feel that you have accidentally caused too much noise. Listen for signs that you were heard, such as
the movement of others or the immediate silencing of background noise following your slip. Sink a little lower on your knees
to physically relax that could normally jump into your body with alarm. Take a deep breathe and release it slowly to further
relax. Continue your pause for as long as you feel is necessary to regain composure and allow possible listeners to decide
they did not hear anything after all.
Be as patient as possible. If speed of travel is not important, take as much
time as you can. Impatience and the resultant hasty movement that it encourages are the greatest dangers to the person who
must move silently without detection.
Keep your movement appropriate to your surroundings. Do not go to greater lengths
than necessary to conceal your movement, while at the same being aware of what others entering the area may see if they cannot
hear. Total silence may not be needed when moving through wooded or densely populated areas where scattered noise is a natural
part of the environment. Also be aware that low profile crawling or sliding ma be the only way to move silently without being
seen in some locations.
The Knife : "That's not a knife... this here is a knife..."
the beginning of time, the knife has proven a very practical and efficient tool for survival. Familiarized most recently this
century through a rage of Rambo and Crocodile Dundee type films, the knife is given its due respect. Even with advancements
in todays technology, this easily concealed item will be the most confronted weapon on the street or in the work place. Knives
and sharp objects can be found anywhere from the toolbox to your assailants back pocket.
Practice makes perfect,
the more training you have the better. It won't be as easy as learning a few fancy disarms. You have to perform each technique
hundreds to thousands of times in order for it to be useful in combat. This could take years when incorporated with other
training, that is what makes a real black belt in the warrior arts over a "wannabe" who just expends cash to buy the belt
instead of earning it. We emphasize students to be prepared for a realistic situation. We are not saying a student will escape
a knife attack unharmed while disarming and locking up his opponent. What we are saying, is that you must increase the odds
of self protection through realistic repetition in training.
Mind Set
When defending against a blade
wielding assailant or assailants, one must first accept the possibility of being cut. If one does not accept this likely chance
of being wounded, it could result in unnecessary movements and incorrect timing. Fear of getting cut must be overrun with
the fear of losing your life. Remember, the knife is just an object, harmless by itself, it is the attacker you are fighting
not the blade. Defending against a blade attack is not easy and the focus of training should be directed towards increasing
your chances of survival. Your objective is to survive, start to worry about a cut on the hand and you could be in big trouble.
Sometimes it is important to sacrifice an area of the body to the blade in order to improve chances for escape or to subdue
your opponent.
Never underestimate your opponent or your chances
If your attacker is unskilled,
your odds of surviving are increased, but if your attacker is skilled, it is a dangerous situation giving little chance to
go unharmed. There are ways of telling if the opponent is an amateur or expert. It is impossible to know exactly how much
knowledge your attacker has. Each opponent should be treated with the same level of respect. The idea is to avoid all confrontations
if possible. This concept is especially important when your opponent has a weapon or there are more attackers. This is where
reflexive training will increase your chances of escape and survival. Observation of your environment might reveal something
to give you an edge. By checking your surroundings you can improvise a weapon of your own. Below are a few you might find
Jacket - This can be used to wrap around the arm for protection or used as a weapon to entrap the
incoming blade. Jackets can be swung or thrown to aid in self protection. You can use the jacket to strike to the eyes or
even make use of the zipper to cut across the face.
Belt - A belt or scarf can also be used to entangle the attacker
for disarming purposes. A belt buckle may be used to slash at face or hands.
Purse or bag - These can be used
for protection and weapons alike. They might be used as distractions to allow a quick getaway or chance to attack. Items in
a purse or bag might also prove useful.
Trash cans, tables, etc. -These can be used as practical barriers between
you and your opponent. A trash can lid could be used as a shield, a bottle or other items might also be found. You may even
come up with a weapon more dangerous than your assailants.
Reality Check
Often you will see books,
films, goof ninjas, basic karate and the self made black belt demonstrate very unrealistic knife defenses. Reacting to a blade
or other weapon by actually catching the weapon with their bare hands. This type of action is complete nonsense and very UN-practical.
This kind of demonstration will been seen with replica knives (rubber, wooden, etc.) and even then it is still rare.
the Offense
When disarming a knife it is important to know your opponents vital points and primary striking areas
- practical use of evasion, blocking or deflecting techniques, are important. An understanding of anatomy instructs a student
on ways of striking or attacking the opponent. The following are a few primary striking areas that can be used to immobilize
or distract your opponent.
Knees (kicks)
Eyes (clothing, dirt, objects, fingers, liquid, etc.)
(in close combat, locks, strikes and chokes)
Whenever applying a strike it may be useful to kiai as well. A kiai
is meant to break the concentration of your opponent, also to speed up your adrenaline flow which results in a sudden surge
of power. A kiai is also good for controlling your own pain and fear. A kiai doesn't have to be loud - it just has to be harnessed.
the Edge
The blade itself is another area of importance which can affect how you will defend yourself in a fight.
A double edge may be more difficult than a single edge. A longer blade will give your assailant a good reach, however, when
in close, it will be difficult to use. A small blade will be weak at long distances, but will prove valuable in tight situations.
Whether your opponents knife is long, short, wide, pointed or shiny, they must all be treated with equal respect. Whether
you're from Australia or not.
Tip of the Tips
When confronted with an assault it is imperative to
remain calm and observe the situation. Quick tempers and hasty decisions can result in your own tragedy. This way you can
get a clear perspective of all the available options. Often times you can work your way out of the attack using intelligent
speech or psychology. However, when your opponent jumps from out of the shadows you have to rely on natural reactions (built
with repetitive training) for self defense. Below are a few tips to remember that will help keep you from adding to the list
of blade victims:
* Avoid dangerous situations.
Listen to your gut feelings, sometimes natural instinct
is all you have between life and death. Avoid risky and hazardous surroundings where problem situations are more likely to
occur. This includes people as well as places.
* Stay in control.
Never allow your friends, your
ego or your emotions affect your reactions. Keep a clear head, avoid interference and make a rational decision. It is always
better to respond than it is to react, whenever possible.
* Never underestimate your opponent.
not be trapped with a false confidence. Also, don't rely on looks alone and remember a knife can be easily concealed. If someone
is over confident they might be armed, so be aware and be nice.. Look for signs that determine whether or not your attacker
is an amateur or professional, but realize you will never know how much knowledge a person has.
* Review and
evaluate the situation and surroundings.
Can you avoid the situation. Is the reason for combat worth the risk
of your life? Can you escape? Is someone's life in danger? Where can you run and what can you use as an improvised weapon?
Stay calm and accept the possibility of being cut.
Don't get the shakes because you are trying to protect yourself
from being cut. Let your confidence and skill overrule.
* Train often and realistically.
under the supervision of a good instructor in a realistic setting will better prepare you for victory. Experiment with different
scenarios and various approaches. Discover what works and what doesn't.
Everyone is a potential target
the cause or causes, the threat of a knife attack is real, the possibility of being mugged or physically attacked exists for
everyone. It does not matter who you are, where you live or where you work. The fact is it is a possibility. In order for
us to learn to defend against a weapon it is important to learn how one attacks or uses the weapon. If you wanted to learn
the best ways of defending against a gun you would first have to learn how to use it. Thus giving you background in how your
opponent might react or think. This concept is the same with knife training or any other weapon for that matter. The knife
has many advantages for the would be assailants know what they are.
1. Easy to obtain 2. Easy to conceal 3.
Simple to use 4. Silent and deadly
All these advantages only lead us to realize that modern day martial artists
should be skilled in knife training.
The first and most important levels of training start
with empty hand against the knife. Next is knife versus empty hand and then knife and weapons versus knife. Considering most
people don't carry a readily accessible weapon with them at all times, we must put emphasis on the first area of empty hand
training. Tew Ryu is one of the only martial arts schools that teaches its advanced students knife defenses against a real
blade. If training only consisted of using a rubber or wooden knife, you would not respect the blade as you would a deadly
edge. It must be noted that this or any other training must be done under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
only with a rubber knife causes you to take chances and develop bad habits that can result in serious injury when confronted
with a real life threatening situation. Of course it is important in the beginning to train with a safe replica to ensure
safety until the fundamentals and special skills are learned. When you begin training with a real blade you begin to develop
confidence in your own abilities and will not let fear overrule your actions in a real fight.
Pay attention to
your attackers eyes, fear, anger and security are all telegraphed by eye expression and movement.
An example
of a technique we often use is when you hand over your wallet you might slip it through his fingers or accidentally drop it,
that split second he uses to focus on the wallet or ground gives you plenty of time to react. Even the blink of an eye, sudden
sound, movement or the inhalation of breath may give you the chance you need if your speed and timing is right.
is usually best to avoid going for the weapon directly. Don't risk a cut leg, arm or worse a cut artery. Sometimes it is better
to kick in order to keep distance and avoid getting close or cut. Kicking must only be used by skilled practitioners and best
with protective shoes or boots, it is easy to fall or trip. All jumping spinning flying kicks should be left in the classroom.
Learn to see a possible attack before it happens, so you can avoid it. You might be surprised how much body language an attacker
will translate before he executes his move. If you learn to translate this language you can prepare yourself for better protection.
If the situation is unavoidable then make sure you are prepared through hard realistic training by a professional instructor.
Nothing can guarantee your survival, but with knowledge in the arts you can gain the skills necessary giving you the defensive
Invisibility : "You might see me, but can you perceive me?"
art of invisibility has always been a popular topic, especially in the media. But who are these masters of the "very hard
to see?" Warriors in the woods, Ninja's in black or even the special forces - black, green and aquamarine? I guess it is safe
to say that in today's world, we have many students of the art.
This popularity was brought on by books, magazines
and the ever growing Ninja films - not to mention the fact that it often serves as a realistic tool. Of course other forms
of media and entertainment attention does its share to bring awareness to this art. For example, the villain in the "Blair
Witch Project," David Copperfield, Rambo, all the good presidential candidates, and perhaps even OJ Simpson. All of which
either were masters of stealth, invisibility, survival, hiding, and/or verbal claims such as, "I wasn't there."
me start by saying, there are no deep dark secrets about the art of invisibility, (unless of course we really are talking
about the above media sources) even though it may create an awe of mysticism in the eye of your adversary. Invisibility is
the art of employing a simple technique (or techniques) and skills utilized in the most effective manner to make one hard
to perceive or hear.
None of what you learn here will teach you to just disappear. If an instructor boasts about
his skills to turn invisible - simply bring him back down to earth by asking them for a visual demonstration. The problem
with most schools on eclectic warrior arts is that they make claims that can never be proven. This and all articles on Total
Warrior Internet Magazine are based on realistic approaches towards training. We will not (and I hope you don't either) concern
ourselves with black magic or concepts based on ancient history and story telling.
If you truly want to master
the art of invisibility, I would suggest you throw away your ninja books and text guides to wearing black. Instead, turn to
the real masters of the art - illusionists and magicians. These masters of perception will offer far more in the art of disappearance,
than any real ninja could muster up.
Please note, we are talking about the art of illusion and the way a person
perceives reality. I highly doubt a magician will be able to teach you the physical side of invisibility: such as footwork,
climbing, moving quietly etc.
So, until you manage to track down David Copperfield - here are a few tips to improve
skills in the physical realm.
To be invisible, you must not be seen or heard in a way that would distinguish
you as YOU.
Remember that famous forest with that famous tree that falls with no one to hear? You know, the one
that ends with this question: If there is no one there to hear, does it make a sound? Once and for all "yes," the tree does
make a sound. Why, because if you were there - you would hear it and you would say, "wow that was loud." Regardless of your
presence or your perception of reality, the tree will always make the sound. The real question is simply confusing how we
define the word "sound" and associating that to our hearing. When in fact the falling of the tree creates a noise as a fact
regardless of the way we perceive definitions. This is another concept of invisibility. Both the theory and the tree remain
elusive and thus invisible.
Okay, let me take you out of the woods before we all get lost. The concept of invisibility
means that you can make sounds and even cross within your opponents visual sight, but you must not be perceived.
you can be within your enemies eye sight, in fact he may even see you. However, because you have blended into the surroundings,
you are not perceived. Another example is "Where's Waldo?" You may be looking for Waldo, who is well within your sight, but
unless you perceive him, he remains invisible.
Invisibility is the art of blending in, becoming an insignificant
part of our environment and disappearing within it. Hey, this reminds me of high school.
So, in order for us
to remain invisible - we have to master the art masking any and all indicators. An indicator is something that would basically
say, "hey, it's me and I'm hiding behind this rock."
We mask indicators by developing our skills in one area
- Camouflage
Camouflage Obviously you want to remain quite when traversing through the woods or a dark alley.
The key to concealment is learning and practicing a few techniques. Camouflage is usually seen as green patterned clothing
for use in a forest. Camouflage (whether artificial or natural) is actually any and all skills you use to remain unseen. This
includes - sight, sound, smell and sense.
Sight The human eye sees movement first. So, this is your number
one priority, in order to stay out of sight, you need to know what you can do and what your opponent is trying to do. This
goes for all your invisibility training. Here are the basics:
Don't be a jerk You need to lean to move with
patience and fluidity. Jerky movements are easy to see. Also, don't go disturbing the peace in a natural environment. A flock
of birds taking off is a sign that something is in the area.
Better to make a loud sound than to quietly come
into view. If you are heard - it does not mean that you will be perceived. Even if it is obvious that you are there. However,
if you are seen - not only is it obvious that you are there, but your exact position is now revealed.
What is
that? Is that a big black head? Your visual goal is to remove the distinct shape of the human form. You will also need
to pay attention to shape and lighting. Think of what might create a silhouette and know when you should hide, crawl, walk,
stealth or run. What kind of uniform or outfit do you have on? Do you stand out or blend in? Are you carrying a big sword
or a what looks like a tree branch?
Form - an opinion Depending on your situation, jogging clothes often make
a much better outfit for urban invisibility. Why? Well, what if you happened to be revealed? A jogging suit is much more believable
than the embarrassment of having your tabi out in plain sight. For photographs and Ninja films the uniform portrayed looks
great, but it is more effective to look like a fallen tree branch than a model for Ninja magazine.
Colors for
concealment In order to be invisible, it is crucial that you wear clothing or material that blends in with your surrounding
environment. Colors should have the same intensity, brightness and contrast in order to remain consistent.
Dark blue, black, gray or other dark color Country: Green and browns City: Gray sometimes blue
Just because
it is night, does not mean a black uniform from head to toe will make you invisible. That outfit will make you stick out and
be easy to spot when moving. Unless you remain deep in the shadows, a dark black outfit is not realistic. Remember, black
isn't a very natural color - the sky is dark blue not black and trees, leaves and grass are usually made up of greens or browns.
Also, a black uniform is limited to night work while a green and brown uniform can adapt when the sun comes out.
the goal is to remove the distinct shape of the human form. Color choices can help to do this.
Movement Always
move from shadow to shadow, rock to rock, obstacle to obstacle. Other strategies and body control are used in combination
with your movements. The more you look like part of the surroundings and the less you look like a human hiding behind a bush,
the more likely you will remain invisible.
You will usually use your environment in one of two ways: either to
hide behind or blend beside. If the area you are hiding behind does not fully conceal your figure or form, then it is important
that you shape your body to look like that of your cover. For example: laying down in a field, crouching amongst rocks and
extending your arms and legs along tree limbs and branches.
Night vision It can take a person up to thirty
minutes for their eyes to adapt to the darkness so that they can see. Anyone without this timed night sight, will have greatly
reduced vision when looking out into a darkened area. A flash of light is all that is necessary to ruin a persons night vision
for another twenty to thirty minutes. What's the tip? Don't lose your night vision and if you can, keep your opponent from
developing his. This will allow the shadow warrior to observe his enemy yet still remain invisible and camouflaged in the
Note: when watching for things in low light, you will have a better chance of seeing them if your eyes
remain unfocussed. You can do this by looking in a circular motion around the object, for example a circular or figure eight
Most of this is about awareness - your next step will be to develop skills to improve your ability to
stay quiet and unseen.
Sound Another major ingredient to the art of staying invisible is your ability to move
quietly through various terrain. Following are some practical techniques for stealth, it is up to you to actually make them
work. After time and training, you will begin to develop your own style of stealth. Some will be slight variations of what
you learned here and some will be completely new and unique to your individual style.
These techniques alone
will not make you move through the night as quiet as the wind. This information is only a principle to aid in your practice
and is of little use by itself. You must practice until you become very good at moving silently, in turn - staying quiet.
order to move in silence, we must pay attention (but not focus on) what it is that makes noise in the first place. The next
step would be to reduce these "here I am's" as much as possible. In training, you can practice on various terrain's to get
a feel of the different techniques you can use.
Making choices Okay, you come to a point where you must choose
one of two paths. One path is open and laid with sand while the other is narrow and laid with trees. Which path would you
take? The sand path will be quieter to move across unlike the tree path which has leaves and branches strewn about. However,
the tree path offers cover and camouflage and as we learned earlier, it is better to be heard than to be seen. These type
of questions only help to explain the variety of choices you will have to deal with. If you prepare - you can handle the situation
Basic guide to STEALTH
S - stepping T - touch E - exhale A - attention L
- listen T - tolerance H - harmony
Stepping This is your most important skill to staying quiet.
You depend on your foot work. Practice won't make it perfect, but it will sure make a difference. Before completing a step,
keep your weight on the ground leg until the other leg is in position. This requires balance and harmony to master.
Touch Stepping
is only half the battle. Use your hands and feet to feel for obstacles and for clearing the way. Thick soled shoes make it
difficult to feel and manage over a noisy terrain. Either where light shoes or go barefoot. The more you can feel your surroundings,
the better you chances are of moving through them quietly.
Exhale Don't hold your breath when you move. Breath
as you step, twist, turn or lower. This will keep you and your muscles relaxed and assist in your ability to adapt with your
Attention Pay attention to your surroundings and not just the ground below. Keep a circular vision
at all times - focus when you step, but keep your attention on your environment. This includes all your senses and not just
Listen Stay alert to the sounds you are making and pay attention to the way these sounds correlate
with your surroundings. Stop completely if you make a sound, listen for any reactions or any signs of being discovered. Keep
a constant ear for any changes in the environment.
Tolerance Patience is your key to staying quiet. If you
are not patient, your movements will be jerky and mistakes will occur. How long can you tolerate standing still? How long
can you tolerate remaining absolutely quiet? How long can you tolerate holding your leg frozen in the air prior to stepping?
Harmony Stay
focused, keep the knees bent and move with all the muscles and joints flowing naturally. Move like a cat - balanced, patient
and fluid.
Techniques for stealth Below are the eight different techniques we teach at TRMS to develop your
footwork skills. These skills must be taught to you by an instructor. Spend time with each one separately, then as your skill
improves, combine the techniques, so that you are simulating practical use of each.
1. Normal stealthy step 2.
Cross step stealth 3. Cat stealthy step 4. Sweeping cat step 5. Stealth crawling 6. The dropping squat 7. The
cross crouch 8. The fall back
Practice The only way to develop your skills is to actually practice. Since
sneaking around other people may cause some trouble - I suggest you find some other means to practicing your footwork. Here
are just a few ideas - expand on these and come up with a few of your own.
1. Here kitty kitty Try sneaking
up to a sleeping cat and touching it before it discovers what you are doing. Please note, that this only works on cats that
are active and healthy. Also, stuffed animals won't work and by "cat" I mean a house cat - not a mountain lion.
Snap, Crackle, Pop Another fun thing to sneak up on is a mini-cassette recorder. You need one that has voice activation.
Create a distance between yourself and the recorder to sneak up on. Then, play it back to see if you could hear yourself getting
closer. Pay attention to all the natural sounds in the environment. Try this in different terrains.
3. Don't
turn around Games are a great way to improve you silent footwork. We play a lot of these at camp, the only requirement
is having at least one more person to play with. Here is one that we use a lot. Have your partner stand about 50-100 feet
away. Your job is to sneak up to him/her and touch them on the back or shoulder without them knowing you are there. Your partner
is trying to listen and has one chance to turn around, but only if you are within touching distance. You win if you touch
him/her first and they win if they touch you first.
4. Boo! This next one requires that you know your partner
or the other person very well. If you haven't guessed it yet - this exercise requires that you sneak up and scare someone.
I used to do this to my family and friends all the time and I was lucky enough that they had a sense of humor. Some people
are not very nice and will get very mad if you scare them. So, make sure you know who you are scaring. I have a few interesting
stories that came about from the "boo" tactic - for example, my brother once did this (by accident) to a police officer on
duty. Although he scared the beegeebers out of the officer - he almost got in a lot of trouble.
The rest you
will have to come up with on your own - either that, or join us at a training camp.
A note on Terrain Dry
areas are the loudest and unless you plan to carry a bucket of water with you, try to either avoid dry areas or practice moving
through them. Snapping twigs are probably number one cause to losing your concealment.
Smell You never want
to hear, "I smelled you a mile away." Along with clothing, you should also conceal any and all other things that might give
you away. This includes your smell. Although this may sound obvious it doesn't always smell that way. Cologne and perfumes
are easy to smell, so is Mcdonalds. The closer you are to your environment in all aspects, the more likely you are to remain
camouflaged within it. Use natural oils from your surroundings to help mask your scent. Heck, take a mud bath.
Factors Remaining invisible is not just a few concepts thrown together to give you an idea about stepping on twigs. You
need an overall development. This requires expanding your thoughts and thinking laterally. Many things could have an affect
your ability to stay concealed. Here are a few examples:
Are the people you are hiding from are expecting company. Are
you in a group - in which case if one member snaps - you all snap. Unexpected weather or terrain. The concealment
you had last night - is gone. A dog is barking at what smells like a big mac and fries. There is a nearby accident and
you are the only one to help. Did you go to the bathroom before you left the house.
These are just a
few - but, if you think about them, you could prepare and or develop a better understanding for the art of invisibility. Don't
expect any article to offer you the secrets to mastering the martial arts. No matter how much you know, you still need to
develop that knowledge into action. If you want to be good at kicking - kick. This is the same for vanishing into thin air.
Shuriken Jutsu :
Shuriken are primarily weapons of distraction. To be thrown to escape or to cover other actions such
as a sword draw. I have only included bo shuriken in this essay as I consider senban shuriken very easy to throw, needing
considerably less skill than bo shuriken. But then again, as a weapon of distraction it is not important whether or not the
shuriken sticks to it's target, just that the target tries to avoid being hit.
Perhaps the first thing that should be discussed, is the difference between Bo and Senban shuriken. Senban shuriken
are flat piece's of steel, have four points and are square shaped. Bo shuriken are rods with one or both ends ending in points.
shuriken are very easily thrown by holding it in the palm of your hand with a finger on one edge. The shuriken is thrown by
snapping the wrist forward.
Bo shuriken is a little harder to throw. The shuriken should be gripped in the palm of the hand, upright, so
it sits along side the middle and index finger. Start a short distance from the target and stand in Doko Ichimonji no Kamae,
with the hand holding the shuriken well back behind your head.
To throw the shuriken, push your palm toward the target, keeping your fingers upright.When the arm is straigh,
the shuriken is released and flies straight toward the target without a rotation (short distance). This method is effective
upto 8-10 feet. As you go further away from the target, you compensate by throwing the shuriken harder. It is important not
to spin the shuriken at this point. Further distance's are achieved by placing the shuriken point down in the palm and allowing
the shuriken to rotate 180 degrees (half a turn). The throwing method is the same. This may take some practice to get consistent.
There are several methods to throwing bo shuriken. The way described above is the way usually demonstrated
by Shihan in demo's in Japan. I have learned several other methods for throwing shuriken which are also very interesting.
One such method was taught by Dave Heald (Judan Shihan) while at a course in Liphook, Guildford. It involved using San Shin
no Kata as a throwing method and was linked to Kenjutsu, bringing us back to the subject that shuriken are a distraction tool.
Here are the techniques studied that day.
Chi no Kata Tori is in Seigan no Kamae with daito drawn. Letting
go with the right hand, thrust the daito into Uke's face while drawing the shuriken from obi at small of back.Perform Chi
no Kata , releasing shuriken as though striking with san shitan ken.As the right hand swings forward the left hand draws the
sword to the left and behind. After the shuriken is released, regrip the daito with the right hand and cut gyaku kesa giri
Sui no Kata Tori is in Seigan no Kamae with daito drawn. Letting go with the right hand, thrust
the daito into Uke's face while drawing the shuriken from obi at small of back.Perform Sui no Kata. As right hand extends
to stike ura kitan ken, release the shuriken. As right hand throws, the left hand moves the sword out to the left. After the
shuriken is thrown right hand regrips the daito and cuts with kesa giri (R-L)
Ka no Kata Tori is in
Seigan no Kamae with daito drawn. Letting go with the right hand, thrust the daito into Uke's face while drawing the shuriken
from obi at small of back.Perform Ka no Kata. Release shuriken instead of striking with omote kitan ken. As shuriken is thrown,
left hand moves daito to the left side of you head. After shuriken is thrown, right hand regrips daito and cuts kesa giri
Fu no Kata (The throwing techniques for this form was the style as described at the top of this
page. )
Tori is in Seigan no Kamae with daito drawn. Letting go with the right hand, thrust the daito into Uke's face
while drawing the shuriken from obi at small of back.Perform Fu no Kata. As the shuriken is being thrown the point of the
daito was lowered to the floor. After throw the daito was regriped and tsuki at Uke.
Ku no Kata (Ku
no Kata comprised of throwing mulitple shuriken with both right and left hands.)
Tori is in Doko Ichimonji no Kamae,
with shuriken in both hands. Throws multiple shuriken with right hand (any of the above methods), while stepping forward with
the right foot, then throws the shuriken in the left hand ( any above method) while stepping with the left foot.
techniques were a lot of fun to do. Don't get to hung up on making the shuriken stick into the target. If uke flinches
or tries to block the shuriken, then that's the opening your looking for to cut him down.
Used in conjunction with
metsubushi, shuriken can make an excellent tool for escape.
Drawing the sword
While the ninja did not regard their shinobigatana (short sword) with the same reverence the samurai gave their
exquisitely forged katana, they nonetheless knew and greatly appreciated its incomparable value. It was an extremely versatile
weapon/tool that often made the difference between escape and capture life and death. The saya scabbard was usually longer
than the short blade, the extra space used to hide messages, blinding powders or explosives; the extra-long sageo scabbard
cord could be used for any number or extracurricular activities, including tying up a captured enemy or as a trip wire across
a doorway or forest path. And because it was short, the shinobigatana could be easily carried, especially in areas where the
cunning ninja were most often to be found: in narrow corridors and alleyways, in tight crawl spaces, up among the tangle of
branches of trees or down in a trough or a hollowed-out log. Also, because the blade was not honed as precisely as the supersharp
katana, the ninja could not wield it in the same manner as the samurai; instead, he relied more on body weight in motion in
order to execute effective cuts. The ninja made better use of his weapon with slamming stabs and thrusts and sawing dragged-edge
cuts. In Part One I demonstrated for you the way of loosening the sword and then drawing it. If I am correct, most of you
concentrated your attention entirely on the sword; perhaps some of you observed the body motion; I think very few of you noticed
the feet. And so, in the following specially prepared photographs I have demonstrated the feet of the ninja in the iai sword
drawing technique. After that I have instructed on different ways of carrying and drawing the sword from various positions.
And then, in conclusion, I have demonstrated the proper way to sheathe the shinobigatana. After all, once a weapon has been
drawn and served you well, it should be put away properly.
Please note that I am holding the sword guard tightly with
the thumb of my left hand while keeping my right foot diagonally to the right, backward. This shows my determination not to
draw the sword at random.
However, I am obliged to draw the sword as I shift my body weight and my left foot diagonally backward in order
to cripple the attacker's fighting power.
THE EIGHT WAYS OF FOOTWORK The iai sword drawing techniques require free movement of the feet. Now let
me show you the shinobi iai happou sabaki (eight ways of footwork of the ninja iai) (1). Please watch the cross carefully.
First you move your feet sideways. Take a step to the right by moving your left foot before your right one (2). Moving to
the left you move your right foot before your left one (3). Moving your left foot diagonally to the left backward (4). Moving
your right foot diagonally to the right backward (5). Moving straight forward (with the right foot because the ninja is right
handed)(6). Moving diagonally to the right forward (7). Moving diagonally to the left forward (8).
Attaining Invulnerability :
Invulnerability is an attitude, a quality,
a way of being. It is not so much a static state as a fluid process. To become invulnerable is to become inaccessible rather
than indestructible. There is no such thing as absolute physical invulnerability. Here are ten steps to achieving invulnerabiliy
in your life.
1. Be calm, still and centered. Stillness is first a matter of physical arrangement, then of mental
quietness. Calmness results from stillness maintained over time. By themselves, stillness and calm are fragile conditions.
Centeredness is stillness and calm in the face of outwardly chaotic or threatening conditions. Centeredness is a function
of motion and centricity. The centered person, though outwardly still and calm, operates at a minimum of two levels--one visible
and apparent to others, a second hidden and invisible. It is this second level that is ceaselessly moving and changing, adding
fluidity and unpredictability to one's life.
2. Be present focused. To divide your attention among past, present
and future is to weaken yourself. To focus exclusively on the present is to vastly increase your powers of concentration and
execution. The key to present focus is full awareness. The ronin's code, "Arise every morning, ready to die", represents an
extreme example of internalized present focus and a major element in attaining practical invulnerability. When you follow
this code, there is an implicit obligation to "keep the ledger balanced" with all others on a daily basis--a not inconsiderable
task. Present focus enables you to experience the process fully without being preoccupied with the result.
Be open to experience. Experience is a chain of significant events. So there are two elements here: openness, and the capacity
to discriminate between the significant and the trivial. This form of discrimination arises naturally from full awareness,
particularly of the "still small voice" of intuition. Openness is true power, for only as you are open does it become possible
to join, blend, and redirect.
4. Touch the earth gently. Experience should be savored rather than devoured.
Think of touching a cloud, holding a newborn in your arms, or laying a needle on the surface of the water so gently that it
does not sink. The secret of eliciting a positive response to life lies in touching it gently. Gentleness is true strength.
Become a warrior. To become a warrior is to be totally committed to what you are about in this life--to discover your own
truth and live by it. Nothing less than total commitment results in mastery. Warriorship is neither a religion nor a philosophy.
It is a way of life that demands everything you have to give, and rewards accordingly. But it is important to understand that
neither the paths nor the rewards of warriorship are necessarily the "world's". Warriorship begins in transformation and ends
in transcendence.
6. Live tactically. To live tactically is to deal with the issues of life and of this world
wisely, effortlessly,and purposefully. Effective tactics are based upon overriding "strategies". A warrior lives tactically,
a master lives strategically. Tactics are personal and situational; they depend on the person employing them and they can
vary according to the situation. Here are seven examples of tactics:
(1) Make decisions so carefully that nothing
can disturb you or cause you to lose your balance (Don Juan) (2) Become inaccessible or accessible only by choice (3)
Choose your time and your turf (4) Learn the wisdom of not-combatting (5) Know your enemy (6) Allow (and arrange)
the facts to speak for you (7) Don't allow others to make you part of their problems.
7. Recognize paradox
as a condition of this life. Paradox--when things are not as they seem to be, or when two truths appear inconsistent with
one another--will always attend residence in the human body and in this world. Paradox is part of the "cloud of great unknowing"
and evidence that the human and divine order are quite different. To admit the existence and legitimacy of paradox in your
life is to increase your openness to new learning.
8. Acknowledge a higher power. This is faith put to the
test, and it makes a difference between an ordinary and an extraordinary life. The key to acknowledgement is letting go--of
your prejudices, your favorite positions, and your obsession with being "right". Faith is evidence of openness.
Be willing to act on faith in the absence of fact, and the presence of doubt. Faith can be "the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is acceptance of what you know even though it conflicts with your logical/factual
mind set.
10. Practice loving unconditionally. Along with faith--unconditional love--can "move mountains",
repair damaged relationships, heal wounds, and bring harmony into your experience as no other quality can. But, not only is
it the final step in attaining invulnerabily; it is the most difficult.
Ninja Philosophy in
our lifes : The Ninja still exists today with its philosophy being practiced in business world. The ultimate
strength of Ninja that turns impossible to possible is the result of the technique that was developed to bring discipline
to body and mind in perfect balance. Learn and practice the ultimate strength of Ninja which will lead you to play an initiative
role in business and interpersonal relationship.
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